I clear my lines with compressed air but still use the pink stuff. I figure $10 is cheap insurance.
My WH doesn't have check valves. Charge the system with air, shut the air off, and open the low point drain. The air space in the WH will force the water out of the drain. Repeat until the WH is empty. Blow out the rest of the system and then do the low point drain one more time. Now the WH is empty.
Blowing air in the city water connection doesn't clear the pump. Set the pump valves to the winterize position and blow air into the pickup hose. This will blow air through the pump and its check valve and clear the pump. Now open both winterize valves and blow again, this clears the tank pickup line.
I leave the water tank drain valve open so any residual water drains out instead of freezing in the valve.
At this point I pump the pink stuff through the system (WH in bypass mode.) Then I blow it out again. Overkill? Maybe, but cheaper than a frozen water system.