My opinion is, and I tell my wife this all the time(she grew up in a town and went to college in Philly), criminals do more bad things in towns because;
1 More options. House A has a dog or people are home, go 2 houses down.
2 If you are breaking into houses to get money for drugs, you most likely don't have a car to drive far away places.
3 Generally city people live in the city because they probably don't like the country. Meaning, the country is a big bad dark place at night with lots of scary animals and rednecks with guns. I am getting at is city criminals are scared of the country.
I feel more secure in the country than in the city. I have lived in a small city for a couple years and had cars broken into.
I have lived in the country the rest of my life and have never had any issues with break ins or criminals.
JMO. And if I stereotyped anybody, thats too bad.