Campfire Time wrote:
Why go to management? Why are people so afraid to talk to the owner of the trailer? It may very well be that he doesn't realize you needed to get into your unit. It may be temporary. Wait a week and if it's still like that leave a polite note on the door. Most likely he'll apologize and move the slide in. Don't go to management unless the guy fails to cooperate.
Its called odds.
Odds are 50% he will be compliant and 50% confrontational. Those aren't odds I like.
As I said, if it was a mistake or maintenance that is one thing.
But it would appear that he moved the OP's gear....power cord....slide I would lean that they will not be very accommodating.
Not to mention, the OP is paying a premium price for management to handle the issues on the lot. I would stay arms length..
Lets not forget, almost everyones advice was to give it some time....there is evidence that he is just airing it out, such as the front window being open...
Please keep us updated OP...