I would love to work at YNP driving one of the yellow buses. Has anyone done this job and what can I do to position myself to get that job or one similar to this?
Check in the town of West Yellowstone. There are at least a couple companies that do half and full day tours of the park. It might be alitle tough to get on with them, a lot of locals who have been doing it for awhile. Plus, iirc, they seem to be kind of on-call, with the more experienced drivers getting first shot, which is fair cause they are there year after year for the companies. But that is where I would start id I was interested in dong that type of work up there.
I spent 1 summer working in Yellowstone recently. My experience is that it's easy to move to a different position once you get hired. I had a crew of 9 people. 1 of the more capable employees moved from food service over to maintenance. Later he told me he was much happier doing that sort of work.
People are always leaving for some reason out there. turnover is somewhat high. They need over 3,000 seasonal hires to run the different locations in the park. If you didn't mind doing some grunt work until you got adjusted and then found something you'd like better, it may be worth it for you.
I was in a salaried position last time there. If I go back it will be as an hourly employee. I'd rather work 40 hour and have time off to enjoy the park instead of working 55 hour weeks. I'm not working for the money at this point. I take the job so I can park in their campground all summer long.
We applied at YNP in 2011 for that as well as store positions. It was our 1st yr going there. We got picked for the store jobs. After we were there I was glad we did not get the driving job AT YNP, because of the crowded roads and traffic jams. My hubby would have gone nuts. So if you have the patience for that kind of driving and people just stopping in the road for photos, pulling out in front of you, and being stuck in bison jams, it's for you.
I would not have minded as much as hubby, so just my 2 cents. It is beautiful! Nancy
Grandpere is right. I think Xanterra runs the concession at Yellowstone. I was at Glacier last summer and was housed next to people who drove the Red Bus service for Xanterra at Glacier. They loved it! Lots of hours and you have to deal with the corporate structure, but overall it was a plus for them. They all said they would return. Imagine getting paid to drive people around and tell stories: and get paid! It doesn't get any better.