am1958 wrote:
D.E.Bishop wrote:
At least those of you that have asked where everyone is. There aren't many folks left who are polite and helpful or read the posts they respond to. I'll be around but with less and less involvement in the posts. I'm too old to put up with those who know everything about everything. To Craig and Doug, bless you for you patience, I certainly have lost mine. To the new members, good luck, to the mods, want to know where everyone went, PM me.
Oh yeh, there is a big, really big difference between a S%X bolt and a hex bolt.
Having been online since UseNet and other Dial-in forums I can say from experience that anyone who starts a thread to tell everyone that they are "done here" and "no longer participating" is usually from someone who thought they had some sort of relevance and importance in the community that they have now lost. Their post is them flouncing around looking for people to "beg" them to stay and boost their ego...
Try to fade into insignificance with some grace, you"ll feel better about yourself in the end because you will never get the adulation you seek.
Only one thing to say about that .... OUCH!!!