Forum Discussion

old_guy's avatar
Sep 23, 2014

1000 watt Honda gen

saw in our classified ads on FB there is 1000 w Honda for sale. still has the tags on it but I am not sure if he just left the tags on or it's new. How much do you guys think I should offer him. He did not say how much he wants for it.
  • RJsfishin wrote:
    If its EX cond low hrs, it worth 650 any minute of the day.
    I've seen several bidded to near 700 recently.

    An EU 1000 runs 45 amps just fine, but not much more. It will run a PD9155 by grabbing a lower gear on the wizard for a couple minutes.

    His is in the classifieds, not Ebay. No bidding involved. I paid $350 for a used one, in good condition. I've seen Eu2000I Companions with the 30 amp jack go for $600.

    Plan on taking it in to the shop for a carb cleaning... my Eu1000i can be a real PIA on 10% methanol fuel to keep clean. It has to be run a lot, with a hair dryer heater on low fan and low heat, to keep the pilot jet and main jet varnish free.

    If the owner looks, dresses or drives a truck or van that looks anything like he might be a contractor for a living, run the other way. Contractors pretty much abuse all their equipment and never seem to have the time for proper maintenance or oil changes in a timely manner.
  • Be sure it is an EU model. That is the quiet one. I gave $300 for my used unit. Old but runs great. I add fuel stabalizer always.
  • If its EX cond low hrs, it worth 650 any minute of the day.
    I've seen several bidded to near 700 recently.

    An EU 1000 runs 45 amps just fine, but not much more. It will run a PD9155 by grabbing a lower gear on the wizard for a couple minutes.
  • You can get a brand new one from Camping World for less than $900 I believe. If this is truly one that hasn't been used, tags still on it, I would offer him less than $400 and see if he bites. If he does accept, I would make sure he has a purchase receipt for it, otherwise someone might come calling in the middle of the night to take back the generator to its rightful owner.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    My only use for a small portable generator is to power-up the onboard SMART MODE CONVERTER/CHARGER unit of my OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer to re-charge my battery bank in a quick three hour generator run time.

    The 1000WATT Honda is a bit to small wattage output for me to use. My 2KW Honda Generator revs up rather fast when I use it telling me it is even right on the edge of not being enough power.

    There are a few other reasons to have a portable generator but in my case re-charging batteries in a three hour generator run time when camping off the power grid is my number one priority.

    Roy Ken
  • Generally I find that if they don't list a price, they want too much but don't want to scare you away right off. I wouldn't offer anything until I got the chance to test it out.
  • Down here in the land of the barter a starting bid goes something like this:

    "Do you think XXX pesos is enough?"

    On semi new mercancia in Mexico offering half of new retail is a generous start.

    Hope this helps
  • If it's been sitting for very long you better figure on having the carb cleaned. I bought one off E-Bay for $450. and it cost 40 bucks to have the dealer get it running right. He said he cleaned the carburetor. I've had the same problem again and a shot of Chevron Injector Cleaner fixed it..