Yeh, I'm asking in reference to our new 2019 camper frig. Why I was asking is, I was trying to figure out if the current was constant (assuming a constant voltage) or variable. From the responses it seems that a "normal" t'stat controls the 12V heater element and it is either on or off. One response indicated that some older frig's were direct wired without a t'stat and the heater element ran as long as the selector knob was set to 12V.
I thought there may be another way were the 1-10 knob set some constant voltage to the heater element, say setting 1 = 6 volts and setting 10 = 12 volts, but that does not seem to be an option.
So the bottom line is that the 12V heater element cycles on and off via a t'stat in a similar way as the 120V heater element cycles on and off.
thanks all!