Gjac wrote:
Every thing is a trade off based on how you camp and how much stuff you want to add to your TT. I only dry camp usually in the forest away from sun. My Norcold 682 is 25 years old and still works fine with a new burner tube. Two 6v GC batteries last me 7 days without generator use before they reach 50% SOC, so by then I am out of water and my wife wants to do laundry.
The biggest con of 12V fridge is that it needs power - a lot of it, in terms of an off-grid camping. I have a solar sufficient for my needs, battery bank big enough to ride out any imaginable overcast from April to September, but solar wouldn't always harvest enough for a 6-7 cu.ft 12V box and I am not looking forward to running a generator (or carrying one). I don't camp at high elevations, and when incline is so steep that propane fridge wouldn't work I wouldn't want to camp there either because would roll off my bed :)
Boaters are in a different league, they have diesels running for hours, no problem charging. Truck campers are a different scenario again, they are moving from place to place often, alternator is charging nicely, and their 12V boxes are typically tiny, drawing not much more than a thermostat of propane fridge.