Apologies for the lack of detail. I forget sometimes that people are not seeing what I am seeing :).
These are the batteries for my shave ice machine. I charge them with an off-the-shelf 24 volt charger I got on eBay. I don't think it is doing any fancy anti stratification cycle. It's too simple for that. The batteries are gel cells, MK brand.
They are reading 14.18 volts after being off the charger for about 19 hours. The ice machine is outside. It was about 28° last night and daytime temperatures have been around 55. I don't have a temperature measurement for the batteries themselves, but I would guess around 40 or 50. I keep a heating pad on them at night.
I've had the charger for a few years and it has always put out a bit higher voltage than I would like. I think it's 28 or 29v. I am not there right now to measure it.
I charge on a timer, based on usage and past experience. I have maybe been overestimating the time that I should have the charger on.
But still, should the batteries be this High 18 hours after charging?
Today I used the machine a lot, and then did not put it on the charger. I'm going to see what it reads in the morning.
Also today, my recently inspected motor overheated again! Could the batteries have anything to do with this?