This is the LandStar manual for questions on equalizing etc.
I have the 20amper. Little more price, twice the amps in case you go crazy and get more wattage of panels (nobody ever does that---) have two of these 20ampers in parallel on the one battery bank and they operate just as one 40amper would for the charging profile going to Absorption and then to Float just as shown in the manual. No issues.
Yes, as I have posted in the past, these manuals seem to have been written by the same guy who writes the Morningstar manuals. Same drawings too. Can't say who is copying whom, or if MS is made by the same factory.
You MPPT guys getting into all this is very useful in learning about the various aspects. Seems to be quite a few aspects to juggle.
Load terminals. I guess that is for timed things like somebody said before. Actual loads are off the battery anyway and the solar just tops up the battery while the load is running, so why bother having a "diversion" when there is extra solar such as in the afternoon? Can't see any difference. If the panels would do 15 amps on a low battery but can only do 5 on the near full battery, you can run 10amps of load "for free" with no effect on the battery.