pianotuna wrote:
They use a kill-a-watt meter because they do not have an ammeter.
Bypassing the power brick is the way to go if it is possible to do so.
"bypassing" the brick is not without potential pitfalls.
Insuring you have wired your cig plug to the TV CORRECTLY is one of the major hurdles that needs to be addressed properly.
You have a 50/50 chance of messing that up to start with and pretty much are voiding any hopes of the "warranty" covering your boo boo.
The input of a TV which uses a brick is pretty much 99.9% going to be DC which means applying the REVERSE polarity of voltage WILL render your new TV a doorstop IMMEDIATELY!
Bypassing the brick now also takes away every bit of OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION that you had with the original brick in place.
What folks seem to fail to understand, when a brick SAYS 12V output, they MEAN 12V as in 12.00V. This IS NOT A BATTERY 12V which is typically 12.6-12.8!
Typically in electronics there is some slop in tolerances which is often +/(-)10%. This however IS NOT A HARD AND FAST RULE and the tolerances may be NARROWER or WIDER and there is no guaranty that the TV will work, work correctly or go up in a ball of smoke.
What that means to you is a an typically "acceptable" input voltage is + or (-) 1.2V from 12.00V.. or a "range" of 10.8V to 13.2V..
This puts ANY TV which does not come with a FACTORY 12V DC power cord and uses a 12V brick you are TAKING some "chances" of damaging your TV.
While this will put you on the hairy edge of destruction while the battery is not being charged turning on the juice to the converter has the potential of putting your TV to sleep forever!
Batteries also have a very wide voltage swing so as your battery charge drops your TV may or may not function as it should..
I would suggest looking for a TV which uses a 14V-15V brick as your first choice, much less chance that you will over voltage it..
Alternately if you really insist on running it direct from 12V you can get DC to DC switching supplies which will have a wide input voltage and give a rock solid unwavering 12.00V output..
Playing with mods like this is not for everyone..