timelinex wrote:
Boomerweps wrote:
Read the reviews on Amazon. Most complain about the wires supplied with inverters is TOO small, mostly 4 AWG.
Use at least 1/0awg or better yet, 2/0awg. If making your own, ask for the given gauge welding cables at your electrical supply store. Welding cable is very flexible with many smaller wires.
Another consideration is that many, myself included, decide that a given inverter is a little small and get a higher power unit. If the wiring is extra thick for the smaller inverter, it can support the larger unit.
IMO, the inverter should be directly connected to the battery bank with only a fuse or circuit breaker on the positive cable.
I plan on adding a BUS bar. Should I connect the negative end directly to my shunt and positive to my batteries...Or should I go through the Bus Bars, which add distance.
I would not route inverter power via the shunt or buss bars (extra connections between the battery and inverter). Make it as direct & short as possible, just protection.