Forum Discussion

KendallP's avatar
Jul 01, 2023

2004 Atwood Water Heater Cycling

Hey gang,

I am, admittedly behind on water heater maintenance. A family health emergency has put me in a position where I hope to address this problem quickly and then do more thorough maintenance when I get caught up. Hoping you can help me pinpoint the most likely culprit.

The propane water heater is a striker fired 10 gallon unit. Sometimes it works fine. Others it fires up… then after 10 to 20 seconds I can hear the flame begin to fade until the valve abruptly shuts off. Repeat a half dozen or so times until it finally gives up and the red light on the panel lights up. I cycle the switch and the whole process begins again… occasionally completing the heating cycle without the red light coming on.

I know there are several causes of water heater problems, but these symptoms sure seem specific to me.

  • enblethen wrote:
    Check the connector on the WH circuit board. Make sure it is clean and not corroded.
    Check the ground connections on the propane valve. Grounds are hidden somewhat on mounting bracket screw.


  • Check the connector on the WH circuit board. Make sure it is clean and not corroded.
    Check the ground connections on the propane valve. Grounds are hidden somewhat on mounting bracket screw.
  • dougrainer wrote:
    Light your Stove /Range burners. ALL of them and see what type of flame you get with all running. If they do not have a good blue flame, your LP regulator is bad. It also appears you may have an empty LP tank. Doug

    Thanks Doug, but nope. Full tank and beautiful blue flames all around. Fridge works great on gas too.
  • Light your Stove /Range burners. ALL of them and see what type of flame you get with all running. If they do not have a good blue flame, your LP regulator is bad. It also appears you may have an empty LP tank. Doug