CA Traveler wrote:
Not an expert but there have been prior posts that typically alternators will not sustian their maximum ratings without damage which is basically what you want with that amount of Ah.
But not sure what you mean by 1200A - Are you planning for 1200 Ah?
Suggest you get the model number and contact the mfg.
Well, by 1200 amps I meant 1200 usable amps. 6 280 amps batteries. 15kw in the 12v system. I also have 28kw in a 48V system to run all the 110-220 with a split phase.
This 12v battery bank will be for storing the solar and running the 12V side of the house. If needed, I can run 110V through the inverter (which I might be upgrading to a low frequency inverter so I can run ACs with the 12v batteries).
I have a 6kw inverter generator that I can use to recharge both banks at a 90% efficiency, if I ever need it, wich I don{t believe I ever will.
I am getting rid of my diesel generator. I am done with the smell, noise, maintenance and ineficiency. With what I get from selling the generators I can do all of this and more.
Now I have to find a way to control the flow from the alternator or install a timer on the batteries so the charge intermitently.