Our motorhome came with a 50amp. power cord that is an absolute bear to coil up in the compartment, especially in cold weather. I am looking for a source for a cord that is more flexible. Thanks
The yellow Marinco 50 amp power cord is much more flexible than my OEM black one. But still heavy of course. But I have rolled the black one and later the yellow one in 40 degree temps. Yellow one is much easier.
And This site lists a "super flexible" 50 amp cord, but I know nothing about them.
use a good pair of work gloves. Ask a boat person to show you how to roll it as you try to coil it. Lay it out flat before you start so it can roll as you coil it. Finally, you are right, a 50A core is a bear to handle, stiff, heavy, and especially if it is wet. Keep several old towels or rags in with the cable, so you can dry and clean it as you store it for the next time. Hope these hints help.