wa8yxm wrote:
I agree that CODE requires a ground run back to the common ground at the service entrance... HOWEVER ,.....
I"d just drive two grounds at least 3 feet apart one on either side of the post and ground there. NOT CODE, but if done right the inspectors will never notice, at least the ones that dang near killed me won;'t notice. (long story exposed HOT wire)
The problem doing this is if the conductance of the earth between the new ground rods & the ground connection at the service entrance is poor, a fault to ground may not carry enough current to trip the breaker protecting the panel. Secondly, using the earth as a ground conductor can produce some "interesting" shock hazards during a fault.
While it may be difficult to do, running a ground conductor between the new panel & the service entrance (or, if fed by a sub panel, the ground buss in the sub panel" is the only safe way to change the panel to 120/240.