A good connection can survive a thousand amps until a cable like 4 gauge bubbles and catches fire.
It would do so from the battery to the direct short. Flames, smoke and other not so subtle clues. If the short was sustained it would gas the battery and blow the lid off. Seen to many scenarios. INCLUDING snapped terminals duty to excessive cable tension. Mechanical not electrical issue.
If the cables were large the lid of the battery would have blown off and electrolyte would have been everywhere.
A SLIGHTLY LOOSE 24 volt series post will be blown flat even though everything and I mean everything is brand new
I have repaired a few dozen blown posts with a post die, antimonial lead and a plumber's acetylene torch. Ot worth it on a car size battery but very worth it on 8-D or an L-16
The repair takes an artisan's skill and I never enjoyed a session. I only did it if the battery was near new.
My own big bank has double bolt 350 MCM flag terminals.