You can get more bank for the bucks up to a point. Thanks to the golf cart world you can find 6vdc 220AH batteries fro around $70-$80 each. Of course you will need two of these 220AH batteries in series to give the 12VDC you need for the trailer. Two 6V 220AH batteries in series will give you 12VDC at 220AHs capacity for $140-$160... Try buying two 12VDC 110Ah Batteries to connect in parallel to give you the 220Ahs capacity for #140 - $160...
You also will see the two 6vDC batteries will weigh more then the two 12VDC batteries which means they will have larger cores inside. This almost directly gives you more RESERVE POWER to use time wise...
That was the way I justified it in my mind...
Personally I would rather have 12VDC batteries in parallel just for the possible rare occasion I have a 6VDC battery failure which would put me dead in the water...
Roy Ken