j-d wrote:
Here are some diagrams that might help. As asked above, what are you trying to correct? I had worn inside edges on front tires. The "irregular front tire wear" diagram shows switching them with rear outers. Advice I received from a tire shop (Phelps Tire, might have shops in your area) was to put the worn edges BETWEEN the rear duals. That required dismounting them and flipping them over to make that happen. The wear did equalize.
j-d...notice in your link there are no diagrams using spare tire in dually mode.
As asked above, what are you trying to correct?
getting tires as even as possible to get lonest wear out of them.
Think what I'll do is put fronts on opposite side to rear and on inside and incorp the spare to outside rear, that matches the size best.
I've got some good measurement's on tires now and will re-evaluate in 3,000 miles.
Another thing that has me wondering how come on the right side rear tire wear is uneven between dually's? Same type of tire, same birthday, put on same time. I was thinking crown or road or weight or combo of both???