80 amp converter and eu2000i
- Nov 20, 2023
Other than in advertising, the portable generators are rated in volt-amps (VA), not watts. As you noted, with the power factor less than 1.0, the converter's draw in VA is higher than it's draw in watts. In practical terms, the generator output is lower than the advertising wants you to think, and the converter's draw is higher. My old PD9160A pulled 1,386 VA when providing a full load output of 864 watts. Interpolating the numbers from 60 to 80 amp output yields 1,848 VA needed from the generator, above the eu2000i's continuous rating, and its maximum output if you're much above sea level. Those numbers should be valid unless PD has improved its efficiency or PF over the years. At the full power load, the 9160A's draw in watts was 952, so from interpolation, 1,300 watts for the PD9180AL is right on.