NanciL wrote:
What would it entail to convert from a 30 amp service to a 50 amp one?
I am thinking just a new 50/60 amp panel, a new power cord, and then a 30 amp breaker and cord from the new panel to feed the existing one.
Any thing else ?
Jack L
Several of us have converted our trailers to a dual 30A service doubling the OEM service at a fraction of the cost of a full 50A service. I considered going the 50A route, but the cost was extreme, I would have lost a lot of good 30A equip (original 30A detachable cord and spare 30A extension and all my 30A dogbones). You can see how and what I did along with costs and where I got the material in the album
HEREI still have to watch what I use since the factory wiring still provides for the A/C, microwave, and WH which alone all would draw more than 30A just by themselves, but all me extra stuff (elec. space heaters, convection/toaster oven, coffee pot, etc. are now run off my second service). I also did not have to touch or modify any of the OEM 30A service to do this so it's 100% reversible.
BTW another plus for this way is I already had a PI hard wired EMS and didn't have to do anything with it since my second service only supplies pure resistive type loads for precise voltage protection is not so critical.