I think the hardest part of my furnace rebuilds was figuring out where all the screws are hidden! My two furnaces are next to each other on a shelf in one of the basement compartment on the street side.
The first obstacle was a face plate across the front of the furnaces. Three of the screws across the top of the plate where hidden behind the basement seal. I had to partially remove the seal to get to the screws.
A couple screws holding the furnaces in place, disconnect gas & electrical & the furnaces slid out. Note the forward furnace was a size larger than the rear furnace so note what furnace goes where if your working with dual furnaces.
I have the complete job documented on my web site. I believe most of the older posts have lost some PICS from then the site when I had to do a backup/restore.
It's nice to get into those furnaces and give them a god cleaning. I found some critter nests behind one of the furnaces!