It is not always about "camping" or about "taking your stick house with you". There are many RVers who go to "dog things" and have 15 amp hook ups on long cords if they are lucky, or else are off-grid at somebody's farm or a fairground.
If not dog things (there are many types of dog things for as many types of dogs - herding, hunting, agility, etc) plus there are rodeos for horse folks, and movie sets for those people.
You take what you can get in the way of services. You set your RV up for where you need to be and what you can't get worst case. In between those events you might decide to go "RVing" like an actual tourist, since you already have an RV. Might as well use it!
So many varieties and scenarios. The main thing is to be able to get by, no matter what. This Forum has lots of good info over time, so you can organize yourself for any of your scenarios.
In the end, each person is supposed to figure it out for himself, and you can only help him so much. Anybody who even finds this Forum and asks a question is already well ahead of the pack, so we can safely assume he has a clue or two.