Danfoss compressors are variable speed. The bd35f is 2000 to 3500 rpm. 2.7 to ~6.5 amps.
The bd-50 is for bigger fridges. More amp draw, not sure exactly how much. But it is also variable speed, variable amp draw, determined by resistance on the thermostat circuit.
Blanket statements are unwise. Makes every sentence surrounding them suspect and easily dismissable as the ravings of an uninformed half wit.
I have a small 1.8 cubic foot fridge. Averaged 0.62 ah consumed each hour over 3 days in average 75f temps, the last time I bothered recording actual data.
I have a 800 watt msw inverter. It consumes 0.68 amps simply turned on.....powering nothing.
My inverter turned on, powering nothing, therefore consumes more than my fridge does on average, over the same time span.
As for propane fridges..... i stuffed 8 12 oz 78f cheap american beers in my danfoss powered compressor fridge at 4:30pm. At 7:45 they were ice cold.
Good luck achieving that with an absorption fridge.
Can't imagine worrying about propane level to keep food from spoiling. Or having to park nearly level. Or the electrics monitoring an absorption fridge using more than my compressor fridge, or an inverter on standby waiting for a residential compressor to fire up, using more than the my small danfoss powered fridge itself consumes over the same time period.
This thread has become ridiculous.
Your opinions are delusional. Mine are fact.
Seee? Ridiculous!