I just removed the propane fridge and am putting in the Danfoss-style chest.

I curious, really only from those with real-world experience (so who actually own and use one) how long the real battery charge last.
I have two 6-volt golf's under 200w solar.
I don't really use much power except for fans and charging phone and GPS unit. I use LED lights. -camper is for cooking and sleeping, nI don't spend any leisure time in it.
I have a 12 volt deep cycle battery in the garage and the ability to wire the 2 golf batt to run only the fridge and the one 12v to run the camper = two DC systems. I have 200 w solar and could add another 100w just for the one 12v battery.
Next trip is a long one so no shake-down test trip to test it out…