Thank you for the quick response - replacing the stock with the supco should be easy enough. The black capacitor is the starting cap, correct? What is the 'PTCR' inline with the starting cap? Should this go inline with the supco as well?
This is a 9000 BTU coleman unit. I'm not sure what the model is as my paperwork doesn't say - but it says 'low profile 9000k btu' in the build sheet for the trailer. Had I bought the trailer new I likely would have opted for the 13.5k, but I didn't. Ironically, the 9k costs more than the 13.5!
I have noticed the AC will not attempt to restart when it is shut off for a few minutes - assuming this is the effect from the high pressure switch?
I guess the good news is this should run on my Honda 2000 if the converter isn't in boost mode, so maybe I don't need the twins anymore!