This is what a capacitor looks like when the inside has overpressurized, and the top "pops" up. and will require replacement. Also I have tested capacitors and found that they do not have the rated capacitance, so replacing the capacitor is not a bad idea. You might also want to install a SPPE4, it is rated at 120 volts. It can speed up the process of starting the compressor, especially useful while on a generator, or lower voltage.
I would also suggest getting a 'kill-a-watt' from E-bay, they are about $22. It will plug into a receptacle, and give you the line voltage. If it goes below 105 volts, then it is time to shut off the A/C until it improves.
If you frequently want to camp in a RV park that has low voltage in the summertime, then I would also suggest buying a $350 Hughes Autormormer. It will boost the voltage by 12 volts when in use. So 105 volts becomes 117 and you can run the A/C all summer long!
My thought is that you have low voltage to the A/C and it is tripping on high temp / high amperage overload that trips out only the compressor. luck,