Test results:
Kettle says it is 120v, 1000w
In stick house with KillaWatt, no load 117.6v, with kettle on:
115.2v, 8.02a, 924w, 924VA, PF 1.0
In RV, shore power off, MSW inverter on whole house, battery voltage knocked down from 13.6 to sit at 13.0v steady, which is full for AGMs.
KillaWatt on , no load 120.9v. With kettle on: (note that KillaWatt got the "right" voltage number despite the inverter being MSW)
117.4v, 8.14a, 939w, 962VA, PF 0.99 Inverter watts display says 1000w DC voltage 12.2v Trimetric says 12.2v, 87.1 amps.
Using the Tri numbers for DC power in, 12.2 x 87.1 = 1062.6w
1062.6/962 = 1.105 or 962/1062.6 = 90.5%
1062.6/939 = 1.132 or 939/1062.6 = 88.4%
1062.6/924 = 1.150
(The 0.8 voltage drop on 87 amps with 450AH of AGMs is mostly AFAIK from my convoluted wiring set-up. No worries--it gets the job done)