coolmom42 wrote:
wbwood wrote:
I have a similar question. WE also have no inverter and I am looking at adding one down the road. It will be a pure sine wave one. My concern is how to install it. I could install it and just connect to the batteries and plug things it at the inverter or have it installed where it functions all outlets. I can't see running many things on it besides charging some cell phones or computers. We've done good with out one so far.
My question is how much can I expect for installation of one to run all the outlets (labor only).
If you have a 12V outlet anywhere, you can use it with a small plug-in inverter, instead of hard-wiring one. That will work OK for charging electronices. Also handy to use in the car.
The only 12 volt outlets we have are on the dash. We have 2 there, but not sure if either one of them is wired to the aux batteries. Will have to check. I already have a couple of those smaller 100w cigarette lighter inverters.