Joe417 wrote:
I installed a carefree and have the same issue.
There are many versions of slide out design and carefree advises that if the slide has a trim band around it of a certain size to buy the longer version of the mounting hardware. Which I did as do many installers I'm sure.
Turns out had I bought the shorter hardware there would have been plenty of slope to drain the water without puddling and it would have fit the slide just fine.
I just live with it as I'm not paying carefree for a second way overpriced bracket.
If yours is a carefree, your slide trim is of a width that will allow it to fit, and you simply cannot live with the issue, they sell a short bracket that you just screw in place of the existing one that will lower the roller tube 3 or 4 inches.
And what DownTheRoad said is a fact, I've stood in the wrong place several times, yes you would think one would learn the first time.
The only way to increase the angle is to mount the trailer end of the awning as high on the wall as possible.
Doug is right, if the roller is any lower the fabric will rub against the top of the slide when extended. The beach ball or pool noodles is the best fix.