The amp rating is stamped somewhere on the housing, often on the mounting tab but it is stamped on there. also a photo of the anternator may be of use to some folks (Alas not me) as the larger alternator is often,,, Larger, have a ruler in the photo as well.
Finally difference between 110 and 130 is basically, not worth mentioning, (less than 20%) that is tolerance on many electronic components.
Option two. "Alternators R US" (ok not a real store)
Many cities have "Starter and alternator" shops.. I used to shop one on Grand River in Redford. MI (Detroit suburb) and their trechnicians can likely take a look at it for you and advise.
I had a car that ate starter Drive gears like they were candy.. I got so I could re-build that blasted starter in under 15 minutes on the side of the road or in a parking lot.. ((only 4 bolts) They taught me how. They also re-did the alternator on one vehicle I had a few times. that blasted ride liked to pop diodes.