Ok, I gave it a try per Mex's instructions.
I found a plug that goes into the alternator and pulled it out. Inside the alternator there are four pins. The plug has two contact points for the two middle pins on the alternator. It appears there is no contact point in either outer hole of the plug for the outer pins in the alternator.
The dim dash light stayed on with that plug removed.
I don't know which pin is what letter, but with the meter grounded on the alternator's mounting where it says GRD, there is no voltage at any of the four pins in the alternator or at the two contact points in the middle of the plug.
I don't have a test light, just the digital meter
I do get battery voltage, 12.5ish same as at battery posts, on the outside of the alternator at the pos lug wire connection going to the red box that then goes to the battery.
I have not turned the key or started the truck.