Ham Radio HF Mobile wrote:
connect at least a 10 Watt Silicon solar panel to the coach battery system, and leave the solar panel on the front dash behind the windshield with the motor home facing south so that the solar panel is exposed to sunlight. The 10 Watt solar panel will have right about a 625ma output current during the middle part of the day, and that should be enough for most motor homes to keep the battery charged while in storage, but not be too much to over charge the battery. A small "charge controller" (an alternative energy industry phrase for a special purpose voltage regulator) can be added between the solar panel and the battery to alleviate any concerns about overcharging, but with the size solar panel involved in this case, that is not a serious problem.
A charge controller (or at least a voltage regulator of some sort) is necessary. A 12 W panel can easily overcharge batteries.
Video. A 10 W panel isn't significantly different.