My AC unit has a 3-speed fan. On initial start-up when room temp is high, it will start and run at high fan speed, then pause (shutoff) and shift to a lower fan speed. This is all automatic. I do have the same thermostat as you in my '14 5er. The pause does not last more then a second so maybe that's not your problem.
Note that thermostat placement has a lot to do with the temp it 'reads'. One of mine is in a hallway and when the sun shifts around and comes in a nearby window it heats up that area more then the rest of the camper causing the AC to run more then I want it to.
You state that the real temp was 67 - but does that reading come from a different thermometer that could be affected by something ? Has it been closer to the set temp on the thermostat in the past ?
I have a couple thermometers scattered around my rig but none of them ever match exactly what I set on my thermostat.