time2roll wrote:
Measured at the converter yes voltage should steadily climb to 14.4 volts. Under initial full output the PD9245 could be closer to 13.4 or even less. Voltage tends to sag a bit on the PD. You will never see full amp rating at 14.4 volts. Battery voltage on the terminals will be somewhat lower due to the voltage drop in the wire connection. As the amps taper into the 3rd and 4th hour the battery terminal voltage should be rising steadily to 14.4 volts.
To my knowledge based upon reading many posts... only the IOTA will produce full amp rating and full voltage rating at the same time.
Where in the Iota charging profile does it do that where you can see it? The converter is set to a voltage, but you don't see it unless it is disconnected or else when the battery is full and no other loads. Iota is set to 14.8, gets the battery to 14.6, waits 15 minutes (when the battery voltage rises to X) and then drops to 14.2V
Most (all?) converter specs (ratings) are at 13.6v, but they are supposed to be able to do full current-limited amps at that or at their boost settings.
PowerMax and other converter/chargers hold constant full amps at their boost settings too, but PDs seem not to according to most posters on here. A few have made their PDs come close to doing it by using very fat short wire to the battery.
T-105s or any other battery should not be down to 11 volts! 50% is 12.1 volts.
A pair at 225 AH at 50% with a 45amp charger doing constant 45 will take about 85 minutes to get the batts to 75% , another 20 min to 80%, and another hour from 80-90. So total 50-90 will take about 3.4 hours. the 80-90 for an hour might not be worth the gen time, which is why many do 50-80s instead.