Salvo wrote:
Hey, it's been years since I installed the device. So I got flu and boiler crossed. No big thing! Take it easy man!
The design is very simple.
LarryJM wrote:
POPPYCOCK!!!!. Your statement about flue temp just shows me you know ZILCH about them.
Well it just shows at least to me how little you actually know about the system and if as you say you are "VERY FAMILIAR WITH IT" you should not have made such a fundamental mistake and IT IS A BIG THING IMO where you measure the temp at. Again, while the design CONCEPT might be simple it's the advanced programming and flexibility designed into the system that is FAR FROM SIMPLE. You need to familiarize yourself with the current state of design since what th system is now is a FAR CRY from when the system was first being developed and initially tested and even offered initially. It's almost like comparing a "MODEL-T" with a Benz S500 ... both have four wheels and while the basic concept is simple, the two vehicles are WORLDS APART.