Take 100 RV refrigerators. "X" percent are operated "X" hours per year. A bell curve if you will. So it would be difficult to assess one from another just by looking at the problem. The straw that broke the camel's back was my last Norcold. It would operate continuously for about 10-15 days then everything turned warm. Shut it down for two days, and it would work perfect for the next 10-15 days. Sal at Kool Fun in Irwindale CA., replaced the cooling unit under warranty twice with brand new cooling units from Norcold. When the third cooling unit did the same thing, it was pitched out of the emergency exit. This thing had an icemaker which promptly plugged-up even though DISTILLED water was used exclusively. This grade of garbage is polar opposite from Swedish Servel refrigerators which lasted several decades used 24/7.
You'd couldn't give me a gas refrigerator now. I'm still fuming over the hundreds and hundreds of dollars in spoiled food and endless needless shopping trips. Bah Humbug.