pmlevine wrote:
With both lp tanks full, and performing bubble leak tests on the outside hose connections and regulator (none detected), Happens on all the burners. Any ideas?
We really need more info, year, model of the camper, and model of the stove helps too, but here are some big picture things.
You said, a bubble leak on the outside hose connections; some of the newer campers are using rubber hoses as the main gas lines under the camper. Meaning many and lots of hoses, not just a single hose from the outlet of the regulator to the main 1/2" sch 40 hard pipe gas line with flexible copper tubing runs to the appliances or years ago. Does your camper have long runs the length of the camper with a rubber hose?
Over time, LP gas brings oil out of the rubber hose, and that oil can start clogging things up. I have this exact issue on a 6 ft long rubber hose from a portable 5 lb tank to my BBQ grill and outside stove. BUT, it does take years to create that much oil.
As was stated by the other poster, there is a 11" WC step-down to 10" WC stove regulator in the stove itself to help create even burner gas flow when other appliances start and stop. Not knowing how old your camper is, Atwood had different brands of stove regulators over the years. And for the newer ones, since Dometic took over, I have little faith they will regulate at all. You really need a LP gas gauge or manometer to test the one you have rather than just changing it. The old one may be working and the problem is elsewhere.
What elevation above sea level is the camper at when this problem acts up? There have been several issues reported on the Dometic/Atwood stoves that the burners will not work above 4,500 to 5,000 ft. And Dometic tells them they won't work.
Give us some more to go on to help better.