DVGaylin wrote:
Wow Doug!
The Electrode is the load to the circuit and can easily cause a fuse to blow. I NEVER said there was a short. You did.
I have worked in electronics for 35 years. I do not confess to being an expert but I have seen some odd issues that could not be completely explained without the proper testing equipment. This was one of those. It was a "Best Guess". Except the fact that it is working. The control module may have an under lying issue but until it goes out completely I will except what I have. You should too and quit being so negative.
I am not being negative. The plain fact is, you may have 35 years, but I have 41 years. I TEST the Atwood Piezo's all the time(hundreds) with a long screwdriver the metal shaft is grounded and I remove the Electrode wire and get the 1/8 inch gap to the Piezo spade to see if the Piezo will spark. I also will ground the Piezo spade. NOTHING HAPPENS. YOU are the one that has asked for help. If you are so smart(35 years), then why did you come to a forum for help? I get people like you all the time. Engineers bring their RV in and tell me how all their smart engineer relatives and friends have tried to fix the problem with their RV and now they grace me with fixing it. If you are so smart why do you ask for help? The NEW style Atwood boards have a 2 amp mini atc fuse on the board. Atwood states that if you go larger than 2 amp, damage to the board will happen(like grounding the gas solenoid wires. I still maintain your problem is at the Tstat/ECO mounting, probably the springs. DUE to your specific model that the brown wire comes from the switch and NOT the circuit board. I also maintain that the reason the short goes away, is because when you fiddle with the brown and thermal, you are causing the tstat/ECO springs to shift slightly. Have you removed the black felt cover to verify the tstat and ECO are mounted correctly? I hope you come back when your fix is not the problem and you state that. Doug