Forum Discussion

theoldwizard1's avatar
Explorer II
Oct 08, 2016

Atwood water heater ECO and temperature thermostat

My daughter's family has a Jayco TT with an Atwood 6 gallon propane water heater. It has not worked properly since they purchased the trailer new about a year ago. They have had it back to the dealer 3 times without satisfaction (another story).

This unit has electronic (spark) ignition. After studying the diagrams I think I know what the problem is, but getting the correct part might be hard. Both the Emergency Cut OFF (ECO) and electronic water temperature switches (equivalent to the old fashioned mechanical thermocouple) have to be on for the burner to ignite. I don't think this is happening. The replacement pair from Atwood look a like and are not marked, so I assume they are identical.

I would like an ECO switch that is ON until the temperature is ABOVE 170F. If my understanding of the circuit operation is correct, the gas valve will stay closed until the water temperature switch calls for ignition and the gas valves to be open.

Does anyone know where I can buy a high temp ECO shut off switch that would work withe the Atwood water heater ?