With AGM there should be near zero transfer. .15 volt difference is excessive. The high will be feeding the low to balance. When is operational stasis if that much potential is evident, grab your DMM set it for 10-amps and then find out how many milliamps are draining. Check it again an hour later. Imbalance still there?
what this "proves" is differences in chemistry. The closer the batteries pencil out the batter they will get along during the charge and discharge cycles as well as float.
The test as far as it went says they are at 0.01 volt difference. I am going ahead with banking them, based on what people have said in this thread wrt any risk, and to get some advantages in the MH set-up doing it that way. ( I couldn't do it before with the old and tired Wet 6s in there instead)
After several trips off grid in this MH learning as we go, it is more clear what we need and don't need in the way of a set-up for power use. (Same thing happened with the 5er we had. Each trip you see something else you could do to make things better.)