I tend to sway towares LFP(lithium iron phosphate) , but I mostly boon dock, if you are not having capacity issue for how you use it now then the only advantage of a LFP would weight and space savings and sence you plug in a fair bit you would need to change your converter to a Li compatable one if it isn't already. Like I said I went from two 6V GC2 batteries rated at 208AH each but as with flooded batteries you have to stay under that 50% so I had 104AH I could use and they took up my entire outside storage and weights 158ish lbs.. now I have a 304AH LFP battery that is the size of a normal car battery and livens in the closet (freed up my outer storage) and only weighs 48lbs and I can use 100%. if you going on cost, then you have to look at the cycle life of a battery and how much power it can deliver on each cycle. so a LFP battery is usaly rated for 3000-4000 cycles at 100% discharge, so like I say if we take the average of 3500, and you fully cycle a battery twice every weekend that would last for 33 years before you need a new battery as long as you don't abuse it. as far as abusing its actualy hard to do except for charging whent he internal battery temp is below 0C . which is why I put mine in the closet as it gets heat from the furnace and I do a lot of early spring/lait fall camping where the temp is down at -5 to -10C. now you can discharge them to -20C and newer ones to -30C but just cant charge them.
I am not sure how many AH you have now, but 100AH LFP batteries can be had cheeper than AGM well for me up here, and even cheeper than good quality 6V batteries. but, if your converter isn't Li capable you have to factor that in. but if you are runing two say 80AH batteries right now and you switch to two 100Ah LFP batteries you have increased the AH available to you by around 2.5x and cut your battery eright in half aproximatly.