I can charge a flooded battery at 14.1 volts or 14.8. I can float it at 13.1 or 13.6, I can charge an AGM at 14.0 volts or 14.7.
The CHEMISTRY of various AGM batteries is identical. They all use pure lead positive plates with a bit of silver and perhaps calcium in the positive plates. Many high dollar AGM batteries have less AIR GAP SEPARATION within the cells, meaning impedance is lower, meaning higher CCA and higher charge AMPERAGE acceptance.
But wild claims of YOU GOTTA DO THIS and YOU GOTTA do that voltage-wise, are marketing ploys. In essence, B. S.
If it makes you feel better jumping through hoops, do it. If you spend money or tear your hair out trying to meet hairball sales pitches then being free and 21, go for it. The prime directive of sales pitches is AVOID APPEARING LIKE WE ARE A "ME TOO" COMPANY.
Senor PianoTuna, Rolls took a more conservative approach than did Concorde in regards to temperature/capacity derate. Sure, you and take whatever specs Rolls provides to the bank. I was not challenging your data but I should have asked the source of your fact in a different manner. Please excuse me.
Do Rolls and Surrette manufacture their own absorbed glass mat batteries?