Thanks for the info,
IIRR, when I started figuring out to go to solar , I figured I had a total useage of about 140a and the average sun time was about 5 hrs, per day during the winter time use, when we use the most power.
I have since changed all inside lights to LED's, so the useage will be less, this year we experienced a low of -(MINUS)22* for a couple weeks and the average temps was 20-30*, cold and clear, 4-6" of snow on the ground.
What I don't know about is this COLD weather info, and how to figure/allow for these spec's etc.
I am NOT worried about the summer time useage as I know I will have more power than I can use, etc.
KJINTF wrote:
I do not believe a "correct" or "proper" ratio exists
The amount of battery you need depends on your loads and how quick you want to get it recharged
For me 550watts and two 6Vdc GC batteries works just fine