Thanks for the replies and input.
My real goal is to try to make maximum use of the money I spent on the solar system. The fridge is just something that seems doable (vs hot water for instance). So if I'm driving along and by - say - 11 the house batteries are fully charged the power available from the solar system has no place to go. My fridge uses 330 watts while running on AC - certainly more than I can produce on solar at any time. My idea was to use an inverter to run the fridge for a time based on keeping the batteries at a suitable SOC to get through the night if no hookup is available and the weather cooperates - no AC required. I can just turn the ac power off to the fridge to have it switch to propane as needed. Doubtless, this is not a very practical application but I enjoy such things. I would prefer to keep the alternator out of the equation as no matter how much it still requires fuel to work. (I'm into home automation and am instrumenting the unit to monitor/control electrical flows and device states where practical)
Is there something better to do with excess solar? Other ideas?