Forum Discussion

SteveKlobe's avatar
Nov 22, 2020

Battery Location on Highlander HF350H Toy Hauler

First year winterizing. Folks tell me I should pull the batteries out the 5th wheel and store them indoors away from freezing temps on trickle charger.

First step is finding them. Anyone know where they are located on the Highlander 2018 350H toy hauler? Can't find the location in the owner's manual.

Anyone that can direct me to the right compartment without pulling all the panels off would be my hero.

  • SteveKlobe wrote:
    Thank you all. RV is on shore power for the winter so should remain fully charged by trickle. Winter is mild here in TN with a few periods of below freezing for a few days, but well above 0.

    Sounds like we'll be ok leaving them in. Thank you all for your feedback.

    Did you find where the batteries are?

    Should check water levels at least monthly when staying connected to Shore Power.....then if water levels good you can go longer intervolves between checking water levels
  • Thank you all. RV is on shore power for the winter so should remain fully charged by trickle. Winter is mild here in TN with a few periods of below freezing for a few days, but well above 0.

    Sounds like we'll be ok leaving them in. Thank you all for your feedback.
  • Batteries are like bears in cold winter. Their metabolism slows and the process really helps a lead acid battery life longer. Simply disconnect the ground cable after charging. Many self discharge charts use 20c as a guide. 10°F is a fifth of that. Battery heaven. Batteries are not cute wiggly puppies. Of course if you have -75F winters then that's different. Any type of charging is uneeded if the ground cable has been removed. But make certain the battery has been fully charged.
  • Click the link for your RV. Look at the genset in the video. Beside the Genset, you will see a black vent louver on each side. THAT should be the vent system for your batteries. You probably have 2 batteries, one on each side of the Genset. Now, they may be in a plastic battery box. From the Video, it looks like it is difficult to get access, UNLESS, you can gain access from the side LP bottle compartments. Doug
  • Don't know about the Highlander, but all the other Open Range rigs have them in the front compartment with flexible plastic vent tubes going down to the covers- one on the left, one on the right. Covers are screwed down.
  • Do you have a generator in Front Compartment?
    If yes Open that front compartment and follow the battery cable from gen back to batteries

    I would think they would be up front/close by...... basement compartment area

    Clue: Batteries must be vented to exterior so look for Vents ...batteries should be in that area
  • Batteries are probably under the entry way floor...near the steps.
  • The folks that told you about batteries freezing neglected to say when an RV battery freezes. Per Trojan...

    “The only way that a battery can freeze is if it is left in a state of partial or complete discharged. As the state of charge in a battery decreases, the electrolyte becomes more like water and the freezing temperature increases. The freezing temperature of the electrolyte in a fully charged battery is -92.0F.” Trickle charge them in the RV. Memphis doesn’t see -92F Not sure these folks know much about RVing.