pnichols wrote:
I see "zero" when my digital ammeter's readout shows 00.0 ... but since it has only a 3-place readout, at this point - allowing for instrument repeatability errors - up to +0.1 amps or -0.1 amps could probably still be flowing through the shunt. But once the ammeter indicates this - it's a solid reading. Leaving the converter or alternator still connected to them, the AGM batteries do not pass any more current beyond this reading unless I run them down some then fire up the converter or alternator again. I call this zero ammeter reading point a "hard stop" in the AGM batteries' charging regimen. I've never seen this with good old liquid acid batteries ... they just continued to sit there and pass 1-2 amps for days.
If you had a 'fuel gauge' meter(FGM), is it possible you could see AHs accumulating even when you see a zero Amp reading? The math unit in a FGM may have enough significant digits but the display is truncating the Amp reading. After some extended time, the AHs should eventually show up as 10's of mAh.
It appears that with FLA, that those 1-2A might accumulate as AHs and then shortly after, the FGM would overstate SOC.
The answers are not worth $200 to me.
“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” ? Anonymous