Forum Discussion

JKwock's avatar
Jun 16, 2016

Battery or Motor Gearbox?

I was lowering my 5er today and it sounded and acted very weak. Slow power. The electrical was hooked up to my truck. Do you think it is the 75721 Motor Gearbox or the battery?


The gearbox is so expensive $149.99. Does that sound about right?
  • Jason,

    After just having been to this movie last summer (LA to Glacier National Park and back to LA), my front jacks were really laboring.

    Then I ran into a thread that I read on my trip.

    It seems that Lippert didn't put zerk fittings for greasing the bearings, gears or threads inside the front jacks.

    I struggled to find the top end of the gears (mine are shot from the grease drying out after 3 years of use and it was manufactured in 2009) from Lippert - but eventually found them, on etrailer's website.

    After I ordered the parts and disassembled the entire thing I found:

    All the grease was completely dried up.
    The pins were bent from the strain of the motor to turn the gears inside.
    The bearings had worn through the bottom cup and were missing some of the ball bearings (and Lippert doesn't sell replacement bearings!)
    the threaded rod and the nut that it connects to had rust forming on the them.
    the top gears were bent from the strain
    the drive motor gears were completely dry from the grease drying out.

    It's just a big frigging mess!

    I cleaned the rust, regreased the entire assembly with marine grease and the jacks now lift like a new assembly.

    The motor - which I thought was shot as well, turns out to be just fine, once all the components were lubricated properly.

    I will need to replace my jacks at some point - and yes, they are about 150.00 each! If I could just buy the replacement bearings, I'd be golden, but because they are not available, I'll have to replace the entire assembly (which have zerk fittings on them - 3 of them!!!!).

    More questions, drop me a note.

  • After a 16 day trip from Los Angeles to Banff, Canada, I have concluded the weak motor is from a bad battery. When I am hooked up to shore power, everything is fine. Thanks for all the possible suggestions.

  • If you consider the size of the wire connecting the truck to the trailer, you won't get a lot of battery power from the truck battery. It may be enough to do the job if you have a poor trailer battery though.

    Start with the easy stuff and work your way down.
  • I was not hooked up to shore power and will have to investigate the other possibilities when we go out next week. Thanks for the suggestions.

  • What kind of voltage is the battery showing? Were you hooked up to shore power? Or just the truck? How old is the battery? How old is the motor and gearbox? What kind of motor and gearbox? How much does your trailer weigh? What's the voltage on the battery drop to when you run the motor?

    Could be bad battery, could be bad motor, could be bad gearbox, could be bad screw, could be bad load bearing, could be legs corroded up and dragging.
  • Could also be dirty connector somewhere.
    Put a meter on the motor and check what voltage it gets under the load.