The group 34 is one of the most pathetic BCI battery sizes. Along with the 65 and 31 the 34 is the most warranted engine starting battery on the market. Even though it is still starting my toad six cylinder, it is getting hurled a year after I purchased it. In goes a 31 AGM, a different animal than the flooded 31 mentioned above. My batteries do not get zippers, wing nuts or Velcro hold-downs.
With a correct charging system, 0.00 drain, no AC and no camper battery, my GMC went through NINE (different brands) of 34 in 11 years. No short trips. No storage longer than a week. ZERO DISCHARGING. Pure engine starting use. From Sears to Interstate, to US Battery, Bosch, LTH........garbage. Some battery designs are failures. This is one of them.