Regarding purchasing heavy duty battery boxes and then using them for AGM batteries ... part of "heavy duty" implies corrosion resistant enclosing material. That's of course not necessary for AGM batteries, as they don't corrode.
For instance in our case to add a couple more AGM batteries, I'd just have to build a simple screwed together wooden framework to physically keep them from moving around or bouncing around (or use only simple metal hold-down brackets from an automotive store) in one of our stock outside storage cabinets close as possible to the other two AGM batteries that are under the entrance step. However I'd still have a bit more complex cabling to do to make sure that the resulting four 12V deep cycle batteries still wound up in a balanced configuration. Inter-connecting only two 12V batteries in a balanced manner is pretty straight-forward. Inter-connecting three or more 12V batteries in a balanced wiring setup is more complex.